Liebe Jungs und Mädels...eigentlich hätte euch an dieser Stelle zur Abwechslung mal ein Outfit-Post überraschen sollen. Da meine mit Ungeduld erwartete Bestellung bei Asos aber nicht ihre Pflicht erfüllt hat und deshalb morgen gleich wieder zurück geschickt wird, muss der kürzlich verkündete Designwettbewerb von Kauf Dich Glücklich herhalten!
Dear boys and girls...right here I was supposed to surprise you with an outfit post of my recently purchased dresses. But since my impatiently expected order from ASOS did not fulfill my expectations and I have to send the stuff back tomorrow morning, the newly announced design competition from Kauf Dich Glücklich has to fill in.
Dear boys and girls...right here I was supposed to surprise you with an outfit post of my recently purchased dresses. But since my impatiently expected order from ASOS did not fulfill my expectations and I have to send the stuff back tomorrow morning, the newly announced design competition from Kauf Dich Glücklich has to fill in.
Anlässlich des 10. Geburtstags der glücklichen Ladenkette in diesem Jahr erwarten uns innerhalb der nächsten Monate viele tolle Specials und Überraschungen. Und ganz im Sinne der momentanen Casting-Manie à la Topmodel oder Superstar startet der Geburtstagsmarathon mit dem sypathischen Designwettbewerb "Pimp den Jutebeutel auf 10". Diejenigen von euch, die den Laden schon etwas besser kennen, wissen: für jeden schönen Anlass und pro Saison muss mindestens eine neue Aufmachung des hauseigenen Beutels her. Natürlich ist da auch das 10-jährige Jubiläum keine Ausnahme und deshalb wird nun gesucht. Nach der perfekten Idee, nach dem besten Design...nach Dir?! Der Aufruf gilt allen, die die sonst eher langweilige Jute verschönern möchten und dazu einen tollen Einfall haben. Dem Gewinner winkt nicht nur der Ruhm, der mit der Tatsache einhergeht, dass das Design produziert und dann in ganz Deutschland getragen wird. Als Sahnehäubchen gibt es außerdem einen großzügigen 500 Euro Gutschein zum Shoppen bei Kauf Dich Glücklich! Und nicht nur der bzw. die Erstplatzierte soll gewürdigt werden. Jeder Designvorschlag ist dem Berliner Team 5 Euro wert, sodass eigentlich keiner richtig verlieren kann. Zu einer ausführlicheren Version der Eckdaten geht es hier entlang. Bleibt nur noch eine Frage offen: Spieglein Spieglein an der Wand, wer von euch malt die schönste Zehn im Land?...
On the occasion of Kauf Dich Glücklich's 10th birthday this year we are to expect a lot of specials and surprises within the next couple of months. And since the whole world seems to look for perfection by doing casting shows these days, why not start with the design contest "pimp the jute bag to 10"?! Those of you who are familiar with the store know that due to every occasion and every new season the look of the bag needs to change. Of course celebrating a birthday is no exception and therefore KDG is now looking for the perfect idea, the nicest disign...for you maybe!? The appeal aims at everyone who would like to improve the more or less plain bag and already has a good idea how to do so. The winner will not only be rewarded with fame and glory from everybody wandering around with his design. Also he or she will receive a 500 euro gift coupon to shop at Kauf Dich Glücklich. But the team from Berlin does not value only the winner's idea. Every participant will be given a 5 euro voucher for the online store, so that there will be no losers in this competition. In case you are interested in submitting your ideas, you can find more information regarding the contest here. There is only one question left to ask: mirror mirror on the wall, who is the best to draw a 10 of them all?...
On the occasion of Kauf Dich Glücklich's 10th birthday this year we are to expect a lot of specials and surprises within the next couple of months. And since the whole world seems to look for perfection by doing casting shows these days, why not start with the design contest "pimp the jute bag to 10"?! Those of you who are familiar with the store know that due to every occasion and every new season the look of the bag needs to change. Of course celebrating a birthday is no exception and therefore KDG is now looking for the perfect idea, the nicest disign...for you maybe!? The appeal aims at everyone who would like to improve the more or less plain bag and already has a good idea how to do so. The winner will not only be rewarded with fame and glory from everybody wandering around with his design. Also he or she will receive a 500 euro gift coupon to shop at Kauf Dich Glücklich. But the team from Berlin does not value only the winner's idea. Every participant will be given a 5 euro voucher for the online store, so that there will be no losers in this competition. In case you are interested in submitting your ideas, you can find more information regarding the contest here. There is only one question left to ask: mirror mirror on the wall, who is the best to draw a 10 of them all?...
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